Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Religious Thought 140

Dread hatred from within and defend yourself against it. In calamitous times it will cut deeper than a potter's knife.
- Tirukkural 89: 883

When people speak badly of you, you should respond in this way: Keep a steady heart and don't reply with harsh words. Practice letting go of resentment and accepting that the other's hostility is the spur to your understanding. Be kind, adopt a generous standpoint, treat your enemy as a friend, and suffuse all your world with affectionate thoughts, far-reaching and widespread, limitless and free from hate. In this state you should try to remain.
- Dhammapada

When Gods decree becomes your pleasure, you become a willing slave, not because of burdening yourself, not on account of recompense, but by virtue of the nature now so pure that wherever divine edict may take you, living and dying will appear the same. You live for God, not for riches; you die for God, not from fear or pain.
- Rumi

Good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good works.
- Martin Luther

Teach your tongue to say, "I do not know," lest you be led to lie.
- Babylonian Talmud, "Berakhot 4a"

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